Saturday, December 8, 2012

Winning the Ultimatum Game (Tuklas Vol. 14, No. 4 - Dec. 8, 2012)


In Mathematics and Economics, game theory serves as a powerful tool for determining a set of strategies that will maximize the reward (called the payoff) for an individual as he or she "plays" the game. This approach can be useful for answering questions as surprising as gender ratios, or straightforward competitions that are more in line with the idea of a game. In fact, mathematician John Nash, a Nobel Prize in Economics winner, studied game theory intensively, and was able to construct a procedure to determine maximizing strategies. This is now known as the Nash Equilibrium, which simply put says that no player can increase his or her payoff without decreasing other players' payoffs.

We'll mainly use utility, which is just another word for satisfaction. Utility functions can help us relate the monetary amounts with the satisfaction that each player will get by receiving, or being deprived of, the said amount. From there, we define payoff as the utility of a certain outcome. That is, if we denote the payoff by \(\pi\), the utility function \(u\), and a certain action \(a\), and its outcome \(\omega(a)\), then \(\pi(a)=u(\omega(a))\).

The Game
Imagine this scenario: You and an enemy are strolling until you pick up 100 pesos. Now the two of you decide to divide the money in the following manner: You propose the division, and your enemy will decide whether he'll accept your proposal or not. If he or she accepts, you both get the proportion according to the offer. However, if he/she rejects, then both of you leave the money where you found it, and go along your way. This scenario actually provides the framework for games that involve competition, revenge and other similar cases.

Utility Functions, Payoff and Nash Equilibrium
Let's call the first and second players \(P1\) and \(P2\), respectively. In addition, we denote the fixed amount to be shared by \(x\). We will assume that the offers that \(P1\) can propose are discrete. This way, we can use a matrix of payoffs to determine the Nash Equilibrium.

Ultimatum Game With Discrete Strategies
We denote the strategies of \(P1\) by the percentage he or she will receive in his proposal. On the other hand, the strategies of accepting and rejecting an offer for \(P2\) will be denoted by \(A\) and \(R\), respectively. For argument's sake, we divide the amount in portions of 10. That is, \[\sigma_1=\{ 0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100\}, \]\[\sigma_2=\{A, R\}.\]Now let's go to the specifics of the payoff matrix. When \(P2\) accepts the offer of \(P1\), the payoff that they will receive is equal to the utility of the amount based from the offer. On the other hand, if \(P2\) rejects the offer, the payoff for \(P1\) will be \(u_1(0)\), the utility of gaining nothing. But for \(P2\), the payoff is equal to the utility of the deprived amount from \(P1\). Say both players have the same utility when receiving the amount, and for that we would use \(u(w)=w^{0.5}\) [2]. However, for \(P2\), there will be an added utility when he or she rejects the offer since \(P2\) acquires some satisfaction by depriving the first player of utility. Here, we will use the second utility function \(u_2(w)=w^2-0.00025w^4\) [1]. But since this utility will come from \(P1\)'s supposed satisfaction, \[u_2(w^{0.5})=w-0.00025w^2. (1)\]Hence, if \(P2\) rejects an offer where \(P1\) gets \(w\),\[ \pi_2(w,R)=u_2(\text{depriving }P1\text{ of }w)=w-0.00025w^2. \]Without evaluating for each of the utility values, our desired payoff matrix will look like the one found below.
Table 1: Payoff Matrix with Discrete Strategies
Based from this table and Equation (1), we can get each of the specific values.
Table 2: Payoff Matrix with Evaluated Values
To determine what is called the Pure Strategy Nash Equilibria, we just look at the cell/s in the matrix wherein both payoff values are both underlined. Looking at the table, there will be 5 Pure Strategy Nash Equilibria, namely: (60, R), (70, R), (80, R), (90, R), and (100, R) which is the same as saying \(P2\) would actually reject the proposal if he doesn’t receive at least 50% of the fixed amount.

There is actually another approach to the ultimatum game. It is a set of strategies called the cake-cutting algorithm for two players. It involves a cut-and-choose optimization, where the first player cuts the cake into whichever way he finds fair and the other chooses the half that he prefers. This algorithm accounts for the fact that distributions unequal in size can still be considered an equilibrium.

Some Applications
  1. In an episode of the television show Numb3rs, the mathematician explains to an FBI agent how sometimes, when under pressure, one can act illogically. To put a prison situation in context, he brings out $100, and explains the ultimatum game. The FBI agent divides the money 70:30, where she gives herself $70. The mathematician says that he will reject the offer. He emphasizes that one's desire for revenge can affect the choices he makes, and the seeming punishment that the other person will receive might be enough for the player. 
  2. Let the Spratlys group of islands be our fixed amount, and assume that the only competing countries are the Philippines and China. Being that China is the more powerful nation, they can be the one who proposes some amount to the Philippines. The question now is, what is the amount of land that China would propose to ultimately end the debate, assuming that both countries want to maximize their payoffs?
    Based from our findings, the split should have been 50-50. But we are actually forgetting several key information. The Philippines doesn't have the luxury to reject something like these islands because of the vast resources that they contain. In addition, we are not familiar with China's motivations behind the acquisition of these islands, so we may not be able to model it well.
    A possibly more appropriate way of analyzing this is through the leader-follower environment, rather than Nash Equilibrium. This serves as a dynamic approach to the Spratlys problem, where the more powerful country, China, moves first, and we base our strategies on that move.
Victor Andrew Antonio is a Lecturer at the Ateneo de Manila University. He obtained his B.S. in Mathematics at the Ateneo de Manila University in 2012 and is currently taking his M.S. in Mathematics at the same university.

[1] Bowers Jr., et al. Actuarial Mathematics. 1997. The Society of Actuaries, Schaumburg, Illinois, USA.
[2] Norstad, J. An Introduction to Utility Theory. 1999. 1-27.

from the Austrian Mathematical Olympiad, 2007

Problem: Let \(0 < x_0, x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_{669} < 1\) be pairwise different real numbers. Show that a pair \((x_i, x_j)\) exists such that \[ 0 < x_i x_j ( x_j - x_i ) < \frac{1}{2007} \]holds.


Without loss of generality, we assume \(0 < x_0 < x_1 < \ldots <x_{669} < 1\). 

Let \(a(i, j) = x_i x_j( x_j - x_i)\). Note that \[ ( x_i - x_j )^2 > 0 \Rightarrow {x_i}^2 + {x_j}^2 > 2x_i x_j \]Hence \[ \begin{align*} 3a(i, j) &= 3x_i x_j (x_j - x_i) \\ &= (2x_i x_j + x_i x_j)(x_j - x_i) \\ &< ({x_i}^2 + x_i x_j + {x_j}^2)(x_j - x_i) \\ &= {x_j}^3 - {x_i}^{3} \end{align*} \]for all indices \(i\) and \(j\). We therefore have \[ \sum_{i=1}^{669} 3a(i-1, i) < \sum_{i=1}^{669}({x_i}^{3}-{x_{i-1}}^3) ={x_{669}}^3 - {x_0}^3 < 1 \] and thus there exists an index \(i\) such that \[ 3a(i-1, i) < \frac{1}{669} \Rightarrow a(i-1, i)  < \frac{1}{2007}. \]
  1. Sherlock and Mycroft play a game which involves flipping a single fair coin. The coin is flipped repeatedly until one person wins. Sherlock wins if the sequence TTT (tails-tails-tails) shows up first while Mycroft wins if the sequence HTT (heads-tails-tails) shows up first. Who among the two has a higher probability of winning?
  2. In \(\Delta ABC\), \(D\) is the midpoint of \(AB\), \(E\) and \(F\) are on \(AC\) and \(BC\) respectively. Prove that the area of \(\Delta DEF\) is not greater than the sum of the areas of \(\Delta ADE\) and \(\Delta BDF\).
  3. Let \(n \geq 3\) be an odd number. Show that there is a number in the set \[ \{ 2^n - 1, 2^2 - 1, \ldots, 2^{n-1} - 1 \} \]which is divisible by \(n\).
We welcome readers to submit solutions to the problems posed below for publication consideration. Solutions may be submitted to the PEM facilitators on the deadline date or online via Solutions must be preceded by the solver's name, school affiliation and year level. The deadline for submission is 12:00 PM January 12, 2013

(for December 1, 2012)
  1. Let \(S(x)\) be the sum of the digits of the positive integer \(x\) in its decimal representation. Show that \(\frac{S(3x)}{S(x)}\) is bounded, or provide a counterexample that says otherwise. (Modified problem from the Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program, 1998)
    (partial credit for Clyde Wesley Ang [Chiang Kai Shek College], Hans Jarett Ong [Chiang Kai Shek  College], Jan Kedrick Ong [Chiang Kai Shek College] and Farrell Eldrian Wu [MGC New Life Christian Academy])

    Let \(M(x) = \frac{S(3x)}{S(x)}\). Since \(x\) is a positive integer, it is easy to see that \(M(x)\) is bounded below by 0. We now find an upper bound for \(M(x)\).

    Suppose we let \(a_k\ldots a_1\) and \(b_{k+1}b_k\ldots b_1\) be the decimal representations of \(x\) and \(3x\) respectively; that is, \[ x = a_1 + a_2*10 + a_2*10^2 \ldots a_k*10^{k-1}, \] \[ 3x = b_1 + b_2*10 + \ldots + b_{k+1}*10^k. \]If for each multiplication operation \(3a_i\) we denote the carry by \(c_i\), we obtain the set of equations\[ \begin{align*}
                3a_1 &= 10c_1 + b_1 \\
                3a_2 + c_1 &= 10c_2 + b_2 \\
                \vdots \quad & \quad \quad \vdots \\
                3a_{k-1} + c_{k-2} &= 10c_{k-1} + b_{k-1} \\
                3a_k + c_{k-1} &= 10b_{k+1} + b_k.
              \end{align*} \] Taking the sum, we have  \[ 3\sum a_i + \sum c_i = 10\sum c_i + \sum b_i + 9b_{k+1} \] \[ 3 = \frac{\sum b_i + 9b_{k+1} + 9\sum c_i}{\sum a_i} \Leftrightarrow 3 = M(x) + 9\left(\frac{b_{k+1} + \sum c_i}{\sum a_i}\right), \]where the terms on the right side are nonnegative. Furthermore, \(x=1\) yields \(M(x) = 3\). Hence, \(0 < M(x) \leq 3\) and is thus bounded.
  2. From the \(xy\)-plane, select five distinct points that have integer coordinates. Find the probability that there is a pair of points among the five whose midpoint has integer coordinates. (15th Philippine Mathematical Olympiad, Area Stage)
    (solved by Jecel Manabat [Valenzuela City Sci HS], Jan Kedrick Ong [Chiang Kai Shek College], Jazzrine Tagle [Valenzuela City Science High School] and Farrell Eldrian Wu [MGC New Life Christian Academy]; partial credit for Clyde Wesley Ang [Chiang Kai Shek College], Kimberly Co [St. Stephen's], Hans Jarett Ong [Chiang Kai Shek College], Carl Joshua Quines [Valenzuela City Science HS] and Terence Tsai [Chiang Kai Shek College])

    A pair of points will have a midpoint with integer coordinates if both their \(x\) and \(y\) coordinates share the same parity. There are at most four ordered pairs with distinct parities, namely (odd, odd), (even, even), (odd, even) and (even, odd). Since there are five points, there will always be a pair of points that share the same parity and will thus have a midpoint with integer coordinates. Thus, the probability that a pair of points will have a midpoint with integer coordinates is equal to 1.
  3. Let \(ABCD\) be a convex quadrilateral. Prove that \(AC \perp BD\) if and only if \(AB^2+CD^2=AD^2+BC^2\). (Hungary Mathematical Competition, 1912)
    (solved by Farrell Eldrian Wu [MGC New Life Christian Academy]; partial credit for Clyde Wesley Ang [Chiang Kai Shek College], Kimberly Co [St. Stephen's], Hans Jarett Ong [Chiang Kai Shek College], Jan Kedrick Ong [Chiang Kai Shek College] and Terence Tsai [Chiang Kai Shek College])

    Suppose that \(AC\perp BD\) and let \(O\) be the point of intersection of \(AC\) and \(BD\). Then \[ \begin{align*}
                {AB}^2+{DC}^2 &= ({AO}^2+{BO}^2)+({CO}^2+{DO}^2) \\
                              &= ({AO}^2+{DO}^2)+({BO}^2+{CO}^2) \\
                              &= {AD}^2 + {BC}^2.
              \end{align*} \]Now suppose that \({AB}^2+{DC}^2={AD}^2+{BC}^2\) or equivalently, \({AB}^2-{AD}^2={BC}^2-{DC}^2\). Let \(A'\) and \(C'\) be the perpendicular projections of \(A\) and \(C\) on \(BD\) (respectively). Then we have \[ \begin{align*}
                {AB}^2 - {AD}^2 &= {A'B}^2 - {A'D}^2 &= BD(A'B-A'D), \\
                {BC}^2 - {DC}^2 &= {BC'}^2 - {C'D}^2 &= BD(BC'-C'D),
              \end{align*} \]therefore \(BA' - A'D = BC' - C'D\), implying that \(A'\) and \(C'\) are coincident, hence \(AC \perp BD\).
Renzo Tan [Chiang Kai Shek College] was not credited for answering problems 4 and 6.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Rewards of Risk (Tuklas Vol. 14, No. 3 - Dec. 1, 2012)


In our capitalist society, money is power. Money drives the economy on a large scale. On a basic level, money allows us to buy the things we want and/or need. However, some people have lots of money and some don't. This now creates an interesting phenomenon wherein some people have more money than what they need and some need more money than what they have. Since there is a discrepancy, those who are in need borrow money from those who have a lot. We distinguish between these two types of people by calling them borrowers and lenders (respectively). 

Borrowers need money for reasons as varied as starting up a business, buying a car or a house, or paying for tution. Lenders, on the other hand, lend money primarily because they have a lot of it. Nevertheless, lending is not the only option they have. They may opt to spend the money, keep it in their wallets, invest it in their existing or start-up business, or lend it. The question now is, what do they do with the money?

Since we're assuming that the money in question is in excess of what they spend (a surplus, if you will) then we can assume that they will not choose to spend the money. Choosing to keep the money in their wallets, inside their safes or under their mattresses would not be a very wise decision. When you keep P1000 in your wallet, it will still be P1000 by the end of the day. Keep it in your wallet for a year, and it will still be P1000 after a year.

What may be better options? Bank deposits return 0.375% annually. That means, if you deposit P1000 in your bank, your money will be P1003.75 after 1 year. On the other hand, starting up a business may give a higher return for your investment. I emphasize the word may since there is a chance that won't happen. Consider the likes of Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook. He invested his money to start up a business and it is now worth $50 billion. This business can and will earn so much more than choosing to deposit your money in a bank. Of course, that's one out of the hundreds and thousands of people struggling to establish their own business. How many other Zuckerbergs have you heard of? Furthermore, by starting up a business, you will need to invest a lot of time, effort and courage to take risks for you to end up with that return... and that return might not even materialize.

Entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg might not have much money to start the business but need to borrow to be able to provide the resources. That is where lenders come to the picture. To simplify things, let's say these lenders, also called investors, will help finance the project for an exact return. For example, Zuckerberg borrows $40,000 from Investor A for an interest of 30% after a year. Investor A will receive $52,000 after a year. If \(r\) is the interest rate, \(P\) is the principal or initial amount and \(A\) is the final amount, the equation of interest is \[ \begin{align*} A &=P+Pr \\ A &=P(1+r) \\ 52,000&=40,000*(1+0.3), \end{align*} \] which means Mark Zuckerberg pays $12,000 extra at the end of the year to borrow $40,000.

Aside from start-up businesses, governments can also borrow money from the public to build roads and other projects. The Philippine government issues what is called Treasury bills and Treasury bonds. Interest will be around 4% per annum. That means, if the government borrowed $40,000 from you, you will only expect $41,600 at the end of the year earning only $1,600. Why is there a discrepancy?

First, we have to understand that there is much larger risk in investing in a start-up business compared to investing in the government. Start-up businesses are more likely to be unable to pay back the debt due to bad management, uncontrollable market conditions, operational risks, etc. The Philippine Government, on the other hand, will never run out of cash because it can always print more money. If both of them have an interest of 4%, of course you would prefer the one with the higher chance to pay back. That is why riskier borrowers increase their interest rate to attract lenders.

There are many things that one can do with excess money to produce even more money. It all  just depends on the amount of money that one wishes to make versus the level of risk that one is willing to take.

Allen Dominique Torres is an Instructor at the Ateneo de Manila University. He obtained his B.S. and Master's degree in Applied Mathematics, major in Mathematical Finance at the Ateneo de Manila University in 2010 and 2011, respectively.

from the Singapore National Team Selection Test for IMO, 2001/2002

Problem: In the acute \(\Delta ABC\), let \(D\) be the foot of the perpendicular from \(A\) to \(BC\), let \(E\) be the foot of the perpendicular from \(D\) to \(AC\), and let \(F\) be a point on the line segment \(DE\). Prove that \(AF\) is perpendicular to \(BE\) if and only if \(FE/FD=BD/DC\).

Let \(G\) be the point on \(CE\) such that \(DG\) is parallel to \(BE\). Hence \(\Delta EBC\sim \Delta GDC\), which implies that \(\angle EBC=\angle GDC\) and \(EG/GC=BD/DC\). 

Note also that \(\Delta ADE\sim \Delta DCE\), since \(\Delta ADC\) is a right triangle and \(DE\perp AC\). 

Let \(H\) be the point of intersection between \(AF\) and \(BE\). We now make the following equivalent statements. \[ \begin{align*} FE/FD &= BD/DC \\ &\Leftrightarrow FE/FD=EG/GC \\ &\Leftrightarrow \Delta ADF\text{ }\sim \Delta DCG \\ &\Leftrightarrow \angle DAF=\angle GDC \\ &\Leftrightarrow \angle DAF=\angle EBD \\ &\Leftrightarrow \text{quadrilateral }ABDH\text{ is cyclic} \\ &\Leftrightarrow \angle ADB=\angle AHB=90^{\circ } \\ &\Leftrightarrow AF\perp BE \end{align*} \]

Remark: The statement \(FE/FD=EG/GC\Leftrightarrow \Delta ADF \sim \Delta DGC\) is based on the similarity of \(\Delta ADE\) and \(\Delta DCE\), where the cevians \(AF\) and \(DG\) divide \(DE\) and \(EC\), respectively, in the same proportion (\(FE/FD=EG/GC\)).

  1. Let \(S(x)\) be the sum of the digits of the positive integer \(x\) in its decimal representation. Show that \(\frac{S(3x)}{S(x)}\) is bounded, or provide a counterexample that says otherwise.
  2. From the \(xy\)-plane, select five distinct points that have integer coordinates. Find the probability that there is a pair of points among the five whose midpoint has integer coordinates.
  3. Let \(ABCD\) be a convex quadrilateral. Prove that \(AC \perp BD\) if and only if \(AB^2+CD^2=AD^2+BC^2\).
We welcome readers to submit solutions to the problems posed above for publication consideration. Solutions may be submitted to the PEM facilitators on the deadline date or online via Solutions must be preceded by the solver's name, school affiliation and year level. The deadline for submission is 12:00 PM December 8, 2012

(for November 24, 2012)
NOTE: The answers sent via email have not yet been checked. Those who provided correct and complete solutions prior to this problem set's deadline (12:00PM December 1, 2012) will be credited within the week.
  1. Prove that the sum of squares of 3, 4, 5, or 6 consecutive integers is not a perfect square.  (Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program, 1998)
    (solved by Clyde Wesley Ang [Chiang Kai Shek College], Jecel Manabat [Valenzuela City Sci HS], Jazzrine Tagle [Valenzuela City HS], Renzo Tan [Chiang Kai Shek College], Terence Tsai [Chiang Kai Shek College] and Farrell Eldrian Wu [MGC New Life Christian Academy]; partial credit for Kimberly Co [St. Stephen's])

    Define \(S(n,k)\) to be \[S(n,k)=n^2+(n+1)^2+\ldots+(n+k-1)^2,\] or the sum of squares of \(k\) consecutive integers starting with \(n\). We now consider each case separately.
    CASE 1: \(S(n-1,3)=3n^2+2\equiv 2\text{ mod }3\) hence the sum of 3 consecutive integers is not a perfect square.
    CASE 2: \(S(n,4)=4(n^2+3n+3)+2\equiv 2\text{ mod }4\) hence the sum of 4 consecutive integers is not a perfect square.
    CASE 3: \(S(n-2,5)=5(n^2+2)\equiv 2\text{ mod }4\) if \(n\) is even or \(3\text{ mod }4\) if \(n\) is odd, hence the sum of 5 consecutive integers is not a perfect square.

    CASE 4: \(S(n-2,6)=6n(n+1)+19\equiv 3\text{ mod }4\) since \(6n(n+1)\) is always even, hence the sum of 6 consecutive integers is not a perfect square.

    Note that \(16 = 4^2 = 3^2 + 5 + 2\) is an example indicating that a perfect square may not necessarily be expressed as a perfect square trinomial.
  2. If it is possible to construct a triangle with side length \(a<b<c\), prove that it is possible to construct a triangle with side lengths \(\sqrt{a}<\sqrt{b}<\sqrt{c}\); also, show that the converse is false. (Taken from Inequalities by Manfrino, Ortega, and Delgado)
    (solved by Clyde Wesley Ang [Chiang Kai Shek College], Hans Jarett Ong [Chiang Kai Shek College], Jan Kedrick Ong [Chiang Kai Shek College] and Farrell Eldrian Wu [MGC New Life Christian Academy]; partial credit for Gabrielle Bruce [AC] and Terence Tsai [Chiang Kai Shek College])

    Note that \[ c<a+b \Rightarrow c<a+b+2\sqrt{ab} = \left(\sqrt{a} + \sqrt{b}\right)^2 \Rightarrow \sqrt{c}<\sqrt{a}+\sqrt{b}. \] To disprove the converse, consider the example with \(a=4\), \(b=9\) and \(c=16\).
  3. Prove that among any seven distinct integers, there must be two such that their sum or difference is divisible by 10. (China Mathematical Competitions for Secondary Schools, 2002)
    (solved by Clyde Wesley Ang [Chiang Kai Shek College], Milet Aquino [Saint Pedro Poveda College], Jecel Manabat [Valenzuela City Sci HS], Hans Jarett Ong [Chiang Kai Shek College], Jan Kedrick Ong [Chiang Kai Shek College], Renzo Tan [Chiang Kai Shek College], Terence Tsai [Chiang Kai Shek College], Farrell Eldrian Wu [MGC New Life Christian Academy])

    We replace the integers by their remainder modulo 10. Recall that a number is divisible by 10 if its ones digit is a zero.

    Any pair of numbers whose sum or difference is divisible by 10 would fall under one of the following sets: \[ \{0,0\}, \{5,5\}, \{1,9\}, \{2,8\}, \{3,7\}, \{4,6\}. \]Since there are 7 remainders to choose from, we are assured that at least one set pair will appear, and thus would have a sum or difference divisible by 10.

There was a typographical error in the solution to Problem #1 that read \(\sin^\theta(2)\), which has been corrected to read \(\sin^2\theta(2)\).
There have been typographical errors in the past issues of Tuklas regarding the directions for the Problems section; "posed below" has been changed to "posed above."